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Five kinds of table knives - Garbo welcome you to buy!

Pulished on Apr. 01, 2022

Five kinds of table knives - Garbo welcome you to buy!


The knife is a common tool for people to eat Western food. It is often used with a fork. A knife is usually composed of a handle and a blade. It is a tool for cutting food.


With the improvement of living standards, people have much higher requirements for the quality of knife. Although there are various styles of knives on the market, it is difficult for consumers to distinguish between good and bad knives. Therefore, choice is very important for customers. A good brand can provide consumers with high-quality products. Garbo, with the largest knife and fork production factory in China, can not only meet customers’ demand for knife quantity, but also ensure high quality product. Whenever you want to buy a knife, welcome to come to Garbo international.


When it comes to knives, It is believed everyone is very familiar. However, most people don't know that knives can be divided into several types. In Garbo, there are five main kinds of knives.

1.Dinner knife


Dining knife is the most familiar one to most people, and it is also very common on the table. The dinner knife is a universal tool, which is suitable for cutting all kinds of food on the table. The appearance design of this dinner knife is golden blade, ceramic handle with white marble pattern. It looks truly beautiful, so it is very popular in the market, suitable for using at home.


2.Steak knife


Many people like eating steak in life. A good steak knife can help people cut the perfect steak smoothly at dinner. This steak knife is silver blade with transparent plastic handle. It looks very elegant and luxurious and is worth buying.


3.Butter knife


Butter knife is a small blunt knife with a round or sharp tip. People use it to cut off the butter they need, and then apply the butter to food with their own knife. For a long time, it has been a popular silverware or tableware. This is a long butter knife, which can easily cut the thick and large butter. Also, it has rounded edges to make sure people apply butter gently.


4.Dessert knife


Dessert knife, as its name suggests, is mainly used for cutting dessert, such as cake. Dessert has always been popular with people, especially young people and children. Stainless steel dessert knife can provide a lot of convenience for people's life and can be used for many times. Compared with disposable dessert knives, stainless steel knives are more practical and environmentally friendly.


5.Fish knife

Among all the knives, the fish knife should be the least heard one. In fact, the fish knife is also very practical. Fish is a common food on the table. The function of fish knife is to help people shovel up the fish for eating. It is very friendly to people who love fish.


Each of the above knives has different styles, which can meet the needs of most people. Therefore, if you need to buy table knife, Garbo welcomes you at any time.